Best Novel & Short Story Collection – Emerging Writers

Best Novel & Short Story Collection – Emerging Writers

1. Prize for the best novelist:

  • First place: EGP 200,000
  • Second place: EGP150,000

2. Best Story Collection Award

  • First place: EGP 200,000
  • Second place: EGP 150,000

Translation Award:

The Translation Award is granted to the first-place winner in the Young Writers category. It covers all costs associated with contracting a cultural organization or publishing house to translate, print, and publish the winning novel.

Award conditions:

    1. The submitted work must be a first edition, published between 2021 and 2023, either within or outside Egypt, and must have an ISBN or national deposit number.
    2. For the Young Writers category, applicants must be under 40 years old as of July 25, 2024.
    3. Applicants must be Egyptian citizens.
    4. Each author may submit only one work and apply for only one category of the award.
    5. Submitted works must not have previously won any other Egyptian, Arab, or international awards.
    6. The same work cannot be submitted to another competition during the same period.
    7. Authors must guarantee that the submitted work is their original creation, not plagiarized or written using artificial intelligence. Submitted works will be examined using specialized programs to ensure originality.
    8. Submissions are accepted from individuals, as well as cultural organizations, universities, and institutions.
    9. The relevant committees reserve the right to withhold the award in any category without providing reasons or to withdraw it after granting if deemed necessary.
    10. In the case of an exceptionally distinguished work, the award’s board of trustees may decide to translate the work into other languages.
    11. The publishing house with the most award-winning works will be honored with a certificate of appreciation at the annual Sawiris Cultural Award ceremony.